Thursday, August 8, 2013

Camp Mommy: Shape Grocery Shopping!

This week's Camp Mommy didn't cost me a least in the sense of having to go buy stuff in preparation. I had everything on hand! Bug loves grocery shopping with me...most times. He loves trying to push a cart. He even has his own that he whips around the house with, taking his "babies" for a ride. So, I thought, why not make this an added fun learning activity for a Camp Mommy day.

I used his Lego blocks (medium to large ones) and placed a piece of painter's tape on one of the sides. These pieces of tape were labelled with a drawing of a shape...there were nine different shapes in total. Each shape had 6 corresponding Lego blocks (54 labelled blocks in total). I went around a small area in our backyard and taped signs for each shape. Those were our "shelves" at the grocery store; which is where I stocked the 6 blocks for each shape.  I also made him a bunch of 6 item grocery lists so that the activity lasted longer.
Bug then got his babies (an Ewok and a puppy), put them in the cart and then went shopping with his list. The grocery list didn't just have the shape I wanted him to pick up, but it also had a number 1 through 6 before the shape image, to tell him many of each shape he needed to obtain. This allowed us to work with identifying shapes, number recognition and counting. Once he got to each shelf, I would get Bug to count out each block until we matched the number that was on the shopping list.
Bug also likes putting things in bags, so to enhance our imaginative play, we bagged our groceries and he carried them home...with his babies in tow.
Near the end of our play, Daddy came out and Bug wanted to take him grocery shopping. Poor Daddy's back though, as he was in charge of pushing the cart. Hehe.
Bug then started to pretend cooking his "food", so Bear was more than happy to try out Bug's culinary skills.
If you don't have a cart, don't let that deter you from playing this game. I think we all have reusable grocery bags, so that can easily be where your child places their collected groceries. We just happened to already have a grocery cart.

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