Bug is in awe of anything new and when something reacts or changes in a way he wasn't expecting. So I ran with his zest for experimentation by planning a science day. This is probably one of the best days we have done. It didn't really cost anything, as I had mostly everything here. We already had a lab coat, but this is not necessary for this day to pan out. And the glasses we used to create the stereotypical scientist look were 3D glasses from a movie theatre, with the eye pieces taken out. Once everything was set up, Bug got dressed in his gear and we set off for some experimentation.

Our first experiment was probably the coolest we did. I got a paper plate and filled the bottom of it with milk. Then I got bug to pour some food colouring into the milk. Once all the colour was poured in, Bug took a q-tip dipped in dish soap and quickly touched the area with food colouring. What happened was so crazy...the milk, food colouring and soap reaction was for lack of a better word, magical! haha...honestly. There really are no words to explain it, so check out these two videos:
Part 1 and
Part 2
Seriously...it was so pretty!
The next experiment was putting an egg in hot water. This was one of the experiment ideas I got after a search for small child friendly science experiments. I was expecting this to be better than it was, but Bug liked it. Essentially, you ask them if there are holes in the shell of the egg, and obviously, he said no. But when put into hot water, little bubbles start leaving the egg. I was expecting way more than the 3 areas of bubbles (maybe my water wasn't hot enough). Anyway, Bug was still pretty thrilled with using his magnifying glass to look at the little bubbles floating to the surface of the water.
After, we did the typical oil and water experiment. I put both liquids in a container with a lid, so Bug could enjoy shaking it up and trying to mix them. Then he closely watched as the oil separated from the water.
Our fourth experiment was dancing raisins. I bought a bottle of Sprite and poured that into a clear container. Then I got Bug to drop the raisins into the liquid. This was probably our second favourite experiment. They literally would sink to the bottom, and then float right back up...only to do it all over again. I think the experiment lasted about 15 minutes before they stayed at the bottom of the container. Bug actually started trying to dance like the raisins...super cute!
Check out this video of these dancing raisins.
And we couldn't have a science day without doing the vinegar and baking soda experiment. We added a bit of old Jello mix we had in our cupboard to add colour to the vinegar in the container. Then Bug would drop a spoonful of baking soda into the liquid. He was a bit startled (in a good way), with the first drop of baking soda as the reaction happens immediately. But he kept wanting to do it again and again! He loved this!
Our second last experiment wasn't really an experiment but was 100% science related. I prompted Bug by asking him if our fingers had tiny little spiral lines on the tip. He, of course said no, so there was definite excitement when he took his magnifying glass to look at our stamped fingerprints.
Our last experiment was brought on by Bug's love for helping out in the kitchen when we are cooking. I thought it would be fun to show him how ice melts to water and water boils to vapour. We quickly spoke about each phase of water, then I got Bug to place a bunch of ice cubes in a pot on the stove.
He turned into a very goofy boy while we waited for the ice cubes to melt!
He was pretty excited when he looked over and there were no ice cubes left...
And he was thrilled when the steam started coming off the water.
So that was our science day. Bug loved it!! And I couldn't pass up the opportunity for a quick photo with my little scientist!