Exactly what the title of this post indicates, us VDV 3
(Daddy was at work today) had one of those perfect days that make being a
parent worth every hardship and struggle. It started out with our
Camp Mommy activity, and simply progressed into this wonderful mesh of fun, cuddles
and family time.
Bug, our almost 4 year old is the fun, exuberant, spastic
child. He will always hold that special place in my heart for teaching me and
showing me how much and how instantaneously one loves their child. Bug is the
little boy who already is a class clown (which I’m sure will be the root of
many parent teacher interviews in our future), laughing and giggling so easily
and frequently. With the ease he is able to be happy and fun loving, also comes
the sensitivity and quick to anger and frustration of being a highly emotional
person. He currently is our frustrating child. I love him to the moon and back,
but he wears his emotions on his sleeve…this is so fascinating, but in the next
breath, it becomes completely overwhelming. He literally is scared of
everything…and that is no joke. Many can attest to that. I bought my husband
this A-MA-ZING Michael Jordan phone for Christmas a couple of years ago. Our
basement is the man cave, and it fit perfectly with his sports theme. I wish I
could post a video of Bug reacting to this incredible sport memorabilia, but I’m
sure it would be borderline child abuse…I’d probably hear from social services.
When it goes off, he literally screams, bawls and runs out of the room. Here is
a video of the phone in
action, which currently is the only means of us viewing
how spectacular this is. It sits in our basement, unplugged, unused and even
when our home phone does ring, Bug still runs to close the door between our
upstairs and downstairs…you know, incase it comes chasing after him or
something. In all reality, our child doesn't even like going in the basement
anymore. With any mention of us going down there, Bug starts whining and
shaking…seriously, I fear he’s on the verge of having a cardiac event! He also at
times gets so frustrated; unreasonably so. I realize this is just a phase, and
every child goes through learning about emotions and behaviours that accompany
those feelings; but sometimes it’s the silliest yet most irritating thing to
deal with. The other day his toy was “misbehaving”…he has played with it
numerous times in the past and had no problem working through the toy’s
mechanics…but this day, he just didn't have the patience. You could just hear
him huffing and puffing, punishing this toy for not transforming. It would
simply be humorous if he didn't have a complete meltdown when his lack of
patience got too much to handle. I’d like to say this is all related to his
age; but deep down I know it is an indirect result of my behaviour. My eldest
is so much like me, from looks to goofiness to dramatics. I can’t find
something, and I huff and puff, stomping around like I’m 3. Chores aren't done,
so I do them, but not without adding a flair of the dramatics…haha…I know, I
know, maybe I need a time out chair too. But this is where my eldest teaches me
things about myself. Sometimes I feel like he teaches me more than I do for
him. He so openly shows love; he’s our little love bug. I can’t even count how
many times in the day he says “Mama, I just love you”, or stopping in the
middle of his play, coming for a hug and kiss. He loves his little brother so
much too, always wanting to get him to
giggle, and giving him as much affection
as Bear allows him to give. Bug is funny and goofy; the reason for many of our
laughs throughout the day.
Bear, our youngest who just turned 1, is our happy but quiet
and content little man. I always joke that he’s going to be the mastermind
behind the crazy ideas and behaviours I’m sure we will encounter in the boys’
preteen and teen years…and Bug will be the idiot to do them! Ha! Bear rarely
wakes up crying; you just hear him romping around in his crib, babbling to
himself. He sleeps 12 to 14 hours straight at night; I’m sure there are many
who will hate me now after reading that statement. I’m not saying he’s always
easy; but he has made having a second child so carefree and adaptable. The
problem that arises with a great baby though, is when he isn't so great. When
he cries for reasons you can’t decipher or when he actually gives us a hard
time going to bed, something I think I can count on 1 hand how many times he
wouldn't go to sleep easily. Bear was sleep trained, I’m sure from 1 month of age.
I don’t know how it came so easily or if it was something we actually did. He
just slept, and slept a lot. So when he’s up most of the night, or freaking out
when we put him down, it’s almost more overwhelming than if he was like that
more frequently. We aren't used to dealing with him when he’s finicky; so when
those moments happen, it’s like we are new parents again, trying to get a
handle on things while maintaining some semblance of sanity. The one behaviour
that Bear is consistent with though comes right around the time we are almost
done feeding him. As soon as you start scraping the sides of the bowl, he can’t
handle it and has a little meltdown because his food is almost done. This child
is the 3rd percentile for his weight, which is shocking considering
the amount of food we feed him. You know the reusable Ziploc or Glad Tupperware
containers…ya, he can easily eat half of the average sized one in one sitting,
and still pack away more food if given to him. I can’t even begin to comprehend
our grocery bill when the boys are teenagers; my husband already eats like a
growing boy (and he is a bottomless pit just like Bear). In just a few years,
my grocery bill will probably double, if not triple!! With all that being said,
Bear is teaching me how to be a better parent; to embrace every little moment
(good and bad) because it goes by way too quickly. I live for his cute little
grins and baby giggles, and my goal is to get as many of those out of him each
So, back to our perfect day today; today is why I love being
a mom. There were so many fabulous moments, starting with the always
anticipated morning hugs and kisses from Bug when he wakes up in the morning
(always initiated by him). Our Camp
Mommy activity went
beautifully and Bug played Pirate for HOURS after it ended. He shared his pirate
loot with us (an act we rarely have to encourage him to do). Daddy then went to
work; but Mommy got to get a beautiful picture with her little loves.
After our picture taking, we went on a wonderful bike ride. Bug
was swerving and racing in his big boy bike, and Bear was babbling in his
stroller. He recently said Mama for the first time, and today he repeated it
for most of our stroll/bike ride…melts my heart every time. Bug continued his
Pirate play with his pirate scope, checking for cars before we crossed the
When we got home, we had to go grocery shopping. Our big
stroller blew out a tire yesterday, so Bug had to walk the whole way. It’s not
so much of him being able to walk the distance, but more the speed we could get
it done in if he was in the stroller. But our broken double stroller was a
blessing in disguise. While I was pushing Bear, Bug and I strolled slowly to
the store, chatting about our neighbourhood, occasionally racing, got some
sidewalk hugs and held hands. I never get tired of holding our boys little hands,
and I’m getting in as many of those moments as I can. I know it will happen all
too soon when it won’t be “cool” to show your mom affection.

Right before we arrived back home, we heard the Ice Cream
truck. It is very rare for me to have change, but today I surprisingly did. I
let Bug run up to the truck, and basked in the glory of seeing him get so
excited over something I vividly remember from my childhood. So today, we were
able to get Bug his very first ice cream from the Dicki Dee. After the
Spiderman ice cream was placed in his hand, Bug waved to the ice cream man with
the biggest grin on his face. On the remainder of our walk home, Bug said “the
ice cream man gave me an ice cream, he was so very nice”. Of course he didn't
get that I had to pay for that ice cream, but the gratitude and happiness he
showed was so endearing.

Once we were at home, we got ready for a fire out back. We
roasted hot dogs, made banana boats and cuddled near the heat of the flames.
Bug, once again brought out his Pirate gear and went searching for treasure while Bear and I
snuggled. That, in itself is why I plan and make sure we get our Camp Mommy
days in; to watch Bug continue to get joy out of a successful activity I
The night ended with some kisses to Bear, a bedtime story
for Bug and like every night, Bug asking for one more hug and kiss after I
already tucked him in. I tidied up our house with a big smile on my face, joy
in my heart and excitement for my remaining days off with my boys. Many people
without children worry about the sacrifices needed to be made in order to be a
present parent. This day, though it doesn't seem completely out of the ordinary
or special, is why I wake up in the morning; it is what I look forward to when
I’m trying to get through my two 12 hour days and two 12 hour nights. Of course I like Mommy VDV time, time with my
husband and time with friends; but every sacrifice I have made is worth it all
to see the smiles on my boys’ faces, the joy in their interactions with us, and
the feeling of pure bliss I get when I know I've made their day special. I
wouldn't want to be anywhere else in my life; this is where I was meant to be…being
a Mommy is my greatest blessing.